Questions about soltion manual

From: Yoonsoo Kim <>
Date: Sat Nov 27 1999 - 22:32:30 CET


I have got several questions about exercise problems in your book. I hope
you are kind enough to spend your time to answer my following questions.

1. Regrading p210, Exercise5.9, I think problem statement is little bit
wrong. According to the solution correspond to the probem part (a), 0.5
rad/min should be 0.5 rad/sec.
2. Regarding p17(part (b) of Exercise5.9) of your odd-numbered solution,
G_d(j/theta)/h(j/theta) <= 1 should be G_d(j/theta)*h(j/theta) <=1, in other
words, / should be replaced by *.
3. Regarding p289, Exercise7.7, solution of part (a) is not likely to be
-0.9s/(2s+1)(0.1s+1). Is it right answer? If so, how did you get that? Did
you use kind of approximation method?
4. Regarding p289, Exercise7.8, transfer function of w_il(s) is
(1.25s^2+1.55s+0.2)/(2s+1)(-0.25s+1), not
(1.25s^2+1.55s+0.2)/(2s+1)(0.25s+1). You seemed to miss (-)sign.
5. Regarding p289, Exercise7.9, w_u and del_u seem to represent additive
uncertainty, rather than inverse multiplicative uncertainty.

I suppose I probably could be wrong. If I am wrong, please, give me your
additional explanation. I would appreciate your early response.


Yoonsoo Kim
Received on Sat Nov 27 21:32:34 1999

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