581a Numerical Study of Contact Line Jumping Using a Non-Uniform Disjoining Pressure

Moniraj Ghosh and Kathleen J. Stebe. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 North Charles Street, Rm#221, Maryland Hall, Chembe, Baltimore, MD 21218

In a 2-D simulation, we study the dynamics of a drop whose contact line encounters a change in its surface energy from a well wet region to a poorly wet region. The dynamics of contact line pinning, depinning and hopping is studied as the film thins, forming a ridge which propagates toward the bulk drop as the contact line recedes. We simulate the motion of the drop in the lubrication limit by assuming the existence of an infinite, ultrathin, equilibrium liquid film ahead of the contact line. We decouple the bulk drop motion from the meniscus from the thin film region of varying thickness close to the meniscus. We first focus on the thin film region, which is stabilized by the balance of surface tension and disjoining pressure. We find the equilibrium thin film profile using the augmented Young Laplace equation which is obtained as a limit to the thin film equation in steady state. We then study the dynamics of film deformation in the thin film region. We compare the basic features of the evolution the film of slowly varying thickness to the widely studied case of spinodal decomposition of a uniformly thin film.