For overview of the course: see at the end



Sigurd 15 Oct. 2009:
A few things about Exercise 5 (dynamic CO2).
1. New deadline: Wednesday 21 Oct.

2. About "Direct" and "Indirect" controller (sign of controller gain).
If the process itself has a negative gain, then we do not need to add a negative sign in the feedback, and we should use a "Direct acring" controller in Unisim.
(NOTE. There are other suppliers that define this opposite, so always be careful here. Note that using the wrong sign in the controller is a very common mistake!

3. About "range" and controller gain which can be confusing.
Unisim assumes scaled variables in the controller, so you need to correct for this. We then have:
    KC(unisim) = Kc (original units) * range(y) / range (u)
Note that Unisim always uses 1-100% for the valve, so if the input is a valve then we always have range(u)=100.

Example. Assume we want to tune a composition controller and the output has units mole fraction. We then have
    y [mole fraction]
    u [% valve opening]
To tune the controller we make a step change in u by 5% and find that the composition changes from 0.1 to 0.123. The process gain is then
    k = dy/du = 0.023/5 [molefraction/%]
If we have tau1=50 min, theta=0min and select tauc=10 min, then the SIMC controller gain is
    Kc = (1/k) (tau1/tauc) = (5/0.023) (50/10) = 1087 [%/molefraction]
Assume now that we in Unisim select ymin = 0.05 and ymax=0.15. Then
    range(y) = 0.1
    range(u) = 100% (always 100% for valves in Unisim; no choice here)
We then have
    KC(unisim) = Kc (original units) * range(y) / range (u)
               = 1087 * 0.1 /100 = 1.087 [% of u-range/% of y-range]
Note: If you now during simulation change the range for y to be 0 to 0.2 (so the range is increased by a factor 2) then you will need to compensate for this by increasing 
Kc(unisim) by a factor 2!


Sigurd 14 Oct. 2009:

Tomorrow (15 Oct.) I will give the last lectures on supervisory control.
- Some about decentralized control, RGA, etc.
- Introduction to MPC (mostly applications).
Next week (22 Oct.) we will then have the final exercises on use of MPC using Unisim.


Sigurd 01 Oct. 2009:

Today (01 Oct.) I will mainly talk about PID tuning - both for simple loops and for cascade.
There is also a related exercise 4 which you can find on the course home page.
Deadline: Wednesday 07 Oct.
Next week (Thursday 08 Oct.): We (Mehdi) will continue the CO2 case study with the dynamic part.


Sigurd 25Sep

Yesterday I talked about placing the throughput manipulator
and inventory control. 
Now you van do exercise 3 on inventory control
Deadline: Wednesday 30 Sep.


Mehdi 10 Sep 2009

Hello again!
I hope the today class was helpful for you. I just remind you that the
deadline for delivering the 2nd exercise is Monday (21th).
Please do not hesitate to send Email or come to my office in case of any
assistance to solve the exercise.
Please take an appointment if you want to meet personally.
Best regards


Mehdi 09 Sep 2009

Hello all
Please see:
-Solution of exercise 1,
-Exercise 2 (pdf. and UniSim files).
Please bring your latops in the class with installed UniSim. I will
explain the attched UniSim file that is material of the 2nd exercise.
Best regards


03 Sep. 2009

Mehdi Panahi says: 
I think it will be good if students bring their laptops with installed
UniSim in the class for next Thursday. This will help them to follow
what I explain for them and then they will be familiar with UniSim.

To install Unisim and get more information about the program you need to go to:
  password required


03 Sep. 2009

1. Future lectures (NEW TIME): Thursdays 1215-1400 in room K1-105.
2. This 2nd week (Thursday 03 Sep) we spend about 3 hours and finished uke2_plantwide.ppt
3. The deadline for exercise 1 is Monday 07 Sept  (to Mehdi)
4. Next week (Thursday 10 Sep) Mehdi will give an introduction to Unisim 

27 Aug. 2009

Welcome to the course!

We had the first lecture today: Intro + started on degrees of freedom
Future lectures: Thursdays 10-12 (backup time Thursdays 12-14).

You can start with Exercise 1 NOW (Problem 1). It gives you a good introduction!
see home page:

Questions:  Mehdi Panahi  (sits in K1, 2nd floor)
or:   Magnus Glosli Jacobsen 
The deadline fo exercise 1 is Monday 07 Sept  (to Mehdi)

Otherwise: Please see papers (pdf-files in part1_plantwide_control)

Do not hesitate to ask or send emails!


14 Aug. 2009:
I am at a conference in Brazil, so the first lecture and information meeting will be on Thursday 27 August 1t 1015-1200 in room K1-302.




Course overview:

This is a module (half a normal course) offered to the 5th yeat students at NTNU. It is taught every autumn, starting in late August.

1. Optimal operation (economics) and degrees of freedom
2. What should we control from an economic point of view? (including self-optimizing control)
3. Inventory control, including location of throughput manipulator
4. Base layer control (regulatory layer; stabilizing control)
5. Tuning of PID controllers
6. Multivariable control: Interactions, decentralized control, practical use of MPC



The lectures form the basis for two courses:

1. TKP10  Process Control, Advanced Course. Master specialization module  (3.75 EDU; must be taken together with another 3.75 EDU module to get full course)

2. KP8115 Advanced process control. PhD course (7.5 ECU)


1. TKP10  Process Control, Advanced Course (before 2009: TKP8 = TTK18) 

Lecturer: Professor Sigurd Skogestad 
Credits: 3.75 ECU
Time: According to agreement
Examination aids: D Exercises: marks 
Learning outcome : The student should be able to design plantwide control system 
Content: Control structure design for complete chemical plants. 
Selection of controlled variables (self-optimizing control). 
Consistent inventory Control. 
Regulatory control. 
Tuning of PID controllers. 
Multivariable control. 
Decentralized control. 
RGA. Introduction to MPC. Use of dynamic simulators. 

Teaching activities: Lectures, computer simulation. exercises. 
Course material: Copies from scientific papers and books including Chapter 10 in Skoegstad and Postlethwaite, "Multivariable Feedback Control, Wiley, 2010
Exam: Oral

1a. Emnemodul TKP8  - Prosessregulering videregående kurs (3.75 ECU)
Del av fordypningsemne TKP4720: Prosess-systemteknikk 

OLD 1b. Emnemodul TTK18  - Prosessregulering videregående kurs (3.75 ECU)
OLD Del av fordypningsemne TTK4715: Prosesskybernetikk 


2. Ph.D. course KP 8115 - Advanced process control (7.5 ECU)
Lecturer: Sigurd Skogestad 

The Ph.D. course and the 5th year Master specilization ("emnemodul") have
an initial common part, but the Ph.D. course has additional topics and
a larger emphasis on theory.