Til NTNUs hovedside

Mulige masteroppgaver:

PhD stud.:

Anne Orderdalen Steen: Atmospheric speciation of mercury in polar regions.

MSc stud:

Tone Grangård Helland: Behaviour and fate of pharmaceutical residues in Norwegian sewage treatment plants and the adjacent aqueous environment under different climatic regimes. A pilote study. (Cooperation with Roland Kallenborn, UNIS) Hilde Valved: Atmosfærisk kvikksølv i Arktisk etter soloppgang: Metodeforbedring kvikksølvspecier..

Tidligere PhD:

Aspmo K.(2006) Speciation of atmospheric mercury in the Arctic. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. University of Oslo. No 490.

Tidligere MSc:

Siri Sekkesæter (2001) Development of a method for the sampling and determination of particulate mercury in the atmosphere. Thesis for the degree of Cand. Scient. Department of Chemistry, NTNU. Anne-Kari Valdal (2001) Development of a method for sampling and quantifying gaseous divalent mercury (GDM). Thesis for the degree of Cand. Scient. Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo.