Your new book

From: Esther Baumann <>
Date: Fri Jun 14 1996 - 17:44:14 CEST

Hi, Sigurd!

I don't know if you can remember me: We met at DYCORD last spring.

Today I finally got to see a copy of you new book "Multivariable Feedback
Control", and all i can say is


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 \____\___/|_| |_|\__, |_| \__,_|\__|\__,_|_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/

I think, it is a great book. Finally somebody took the effort to
EXPLAIN things instead of throwing equations at the poor readers. This
is an approach that I like, and in my humble opinion, it is the only
possible way to teach people things. I wish you and Mr. Postlethwaite
(whom I haven't had the pleasure to meet yet) much success with the

If you feel like writing some more books...just do it :-)

Have a nice weekend, I hope everything is fine in Trondheim,

Best regards,


PS: Dr. Hans Musch, a colleague of mine, has asked me to tell you that he
is very impressed by the style and approach of your book, too!
| Esther Baumann |
| Measurement and Control Laboratory |
| ETH-Zentrum Phone: +41 1 632 24 69 |
| CH-8092 Zuerich Fax: +41 1 632 11 39 |
| Switzerland |
| |
| E-Mail: |
Received on Fri Jun 14 17:44:30 1996

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