Frequency Dependent RGA

From: Hans-Rolf Lausch <lausch@dynamik.fb10.TU-Berlin.DE>
Date: Thu Feb 20 1997 - 13:01:28 CET

Dear Prof. Skogestad,

in yor book Multivariable feedback control on page 513 you give the
MATLAB Expression for calculating the RGA.
RGA = G. *pinv(G.')

With this expression (G.') you calcute the transpose of G, but this does
not involve conjugation for complex matrices.
I know that you give this expression for computing a constant matrix and
not for a frequency dependent RGA.
States this expression also for a complex matrix G, like

g11= -1+2*i , and so on, or have I to consider the conjugate transpose
of G with (G').

Unfortunately I don't have the mu-Toolbox, and therefore I can't
understand the expression for the freqyency dependent RGA.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards


Hans-Rolf Lausch                         |Prozess u. Anlagentechnik
Fon/Fax: ++49 30 314 26695/26915         |TU Berlin, Sekr. KWT-9     
e-mail:lausch@dynamik.fb10.TU-Berlin.DE  |Strasse des 17. Juni 135 
http://dynamik.fb10.TU-Berlin.DE/~lausch |D-10623 Berlin
Received on Thu Feb 20 13:05:42 1997

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