Course 43917, week 8

Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Tue, 12 Mar 1996 18:13:12 +0100


This is a short report of today lecture, Tuesday 12 March 96.

We first discussed Chapters 5 and 6 on controllability and tried to get
an overview of the "main lines".

We tried to make a table of the main results in the two chapters -
also to highlight the difference between MIMO and SISO.
It is recommended that each student makes such a table (I think
probably the learn the most from doing it themselves).

At the end of the lecture I went through the main points of Chapter 7:

1. Why use freqeuncy-domain uncertainty (neglected dynamics, etc.)
2. Additive uncertainty in Nyquist plot
3. Multiplicative uncertainty. Typical shape of weight w_I
4. Graphical derivation of RS-condition, |w_I T|<1.
5. Graphical derivation of RP-condition, |w_IT| + |w_P S| < 1.

Next week we will rederive this using M Delta- structure and
structured singulkar value (mu).

EXERCISE FOR NEXT WEEK (I forgot to tell the sudents at the lecture):
Do Exercise 6.8 and 6.9 !!! (We will start the lecture by discussing these)

-Sigurd Skogestad