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Active Vibration Suppression of Flexible Spacecraft using Feed-Forward/Feedback Control Strategies

Authors:Hu Qinglei, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Ma Guangfu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Liu Yaqiu, Northeast Forestry University, China
Topic:7.3 Aerospace
Session:Space Control
Keywords: Flexible spacecraft; component synthesis vibration suppression (CSVS); feed-forward/feedback control; active vibration suppression


This paper presents an investigation into development of feed-forward and feedback control strategies for active vibration suppression and attitude control of flexible spacecrafts. A new approach is developed for designing the components in component synthesis vibration suppression (CSVS) method of the modal forces of flexible modes vibration.This approach relaxes the requirements of dynamic linearity in CSVS method, and for the nonlinear attitude dynamics, it improves the performance of CSVS method in vibration suppression. To enhance the control robustness against model uncertainties, a model-independent feedback control loop is proposed,which can accomplish further reduction of the residual vibration of flexible structures due to model uncertainties.The performances of this approach have been evaluated in terms of level of vibration reduction, speed of the response, and robustness.