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An Application of the Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning Method to a Multivariable Process Control

Author:Nakamoto Masashi, Toshiba Corporation, Japan
Topic:6.1 Chemical Process Control
Session:Advances in Process Control
Keywords: Data-based controller design, Multivariable Control, PID tuning, Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning, Process Control


This paper provides an application of the virtual reference feedback tuning (VRFT) method to a process control. The VRFT method is a direct method which determines parameters of a feedback controller using a set of input and output data of a plant. Originally, the VRFT method is presented for a design of a single-input single-output control system. In this paper, the VRFT method is applied for a designof a multi-input multi-output system. Experimental test is carried out and test results show availabilityof the VRFT method.