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Modeling and Control of a Viscoelastic Piezolaminated Beam

Authors:Naucler Peter, Uppsala University, Sweden
Norlander Hans, Uppsala University, Sweden
Jansson Anders, Uppsala University, Sweden
Söderström Torsten, Uppsala University, Sweden
Topic:4.2 Mechatronic Systems
Session:Vibration Control
Keywords: Mechanical systems; vibration control; LQG control; smart structures; frequency response data


Modeling and control of a viscoelastic beam are considered. Piezoelectrical elementsare bonded to the beam and used as actuators. The beam is also equipped with a straingauge that serves as a sensing device. The beam system is described by the Euler-Bernoullibeam equation, which is Fourier transformed and numerically solved in the frequency domain.Then, two different approaches are evaluated to approximate the infinite-dimensional system witha low order parametric approximation. Finally, LQG control theory is applied to control bothstrain and transversal vibrations. Especially, the control of the strain shows promising results.