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A Framework for Modelling, Simulation and Control of Integrated Urban Waste water Systems

Authors:Katebi Reza, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Graells Francisco P, University of Strathclyde, Spain
Topic:8.3 Modelling & Control of Environmental Systems
Session:Modeling and Control of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Keywords: Integrated Control, Modelling, Wastewater, Nonlinear Control, Environment


This paper is concerned with the integrated modelling, and control of urban wastewater systems (UWS) comprising the wastewater treatment plants (WTP), receiving waters (river) and the sewer networks. A unified framework is developed and simple models are used and implemented in Matlab/Simulink to produce a toolbox. Novel linear and nonlinear control structures are then proposed to design integrated control systems to improve the river water quality. A case study is simulated and simulation results are presented to demonstrate the possible improvement that can be achieved using a holistic integrated control system approach