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Robust stabilization of linear time-delay systems via the optimization of real stability radii

Authors:Michiels Wim, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Plomteux Thomas, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Roose Dirk, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Topic:2.2 Linear Control Systems
Session:Frequency-domain Analysis and Design of Time-Delay Systems
Keywords: linear time-delay systems, robust stabilization, stability radii


We present a new numerical procedure for the robust stabilization of linear time-delay systems, based on the position of the eigenvalues in the complex plane. We assume static perturbations on the system matrices and express the robustness of stability in terms of real stability radii. We outline how real stability radii can be computed and maximized as a function of controller parameters. The latter synthesis problem is solved by a quasi-continuous shaping of appropriate frequency response plots.