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Control-oriented NARX modeling of magneto-rheological dampers

Authors:Leva Alberto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Piroddi Luigi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Applications of Nonlinear Modeling Methods
Keywords: Magneto-rheological dampers, semi-active dampers, nonlinear models, NARX models, identification algorithms.


This paper presents a methodology for identifying variable-structure models of magneto-rheological dampers (MRDs) that are structurally simple, easy to estimate and well suited for model-based control. Linear-in-the-parameters NARX models are adopted, and an identification method is developed based on the minimisation of the simulation error. Both the model structure and the parameters are selected by the identification method, thus no a priori structural information is needed. Some validation tests are reported.