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Experimental Fault Detection and Accommodation for an Agricultural Mobile Robot

Authors:Oestergaard Kasper, Aalborg University, Denmark
Bisgaard Morten, Aalborg University, Denmark
Vinther Dennis, Aalborg University, Denmark
Izadi-Zamanabadi Roozbeh, Aalborg University, Denmark
Bendtsen Jan D., Aalborg University, Denmark
Topic:6.4 Safeprocess
Session:Fusion of Analytical and Soft Computing Methods in Fault Diagnosis
Keywords: Fault diagnosis, fault-tolerant control, mobile robot


This paper presents a systematic procedure to achieve fault tolerant capability for a four-wheel driven, four-wheel steered mobile robot moving in outdoor terrain. The procedure is examplified through the paper by applying on a compass module. Detailed methods for fault detection and fault accommodation for compass faults are discussed and the results are verified through field tests.