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Flatness-Based Control of a Parallel Robot Actuated by Pneumatic Muscles

Authors:Aschemann Harald, University of Ulm, Germany
Hofer Eberhard P., University of Ulm, Germany
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Robot Manipulators
Keywords: Model-based control, robotics, nonlinearity, mechanisms, pneumatic systems


This paper presents a flatness-based control for a two-degree-of-freedom parallel robot driven by two pairs of pneumatic muscle actuators. The robot consists of a light-weight closed-chain structure with four moving links connected by revolute joints. The two base joints are active and driven by pairs of pneumatic muscles by means of a toothed belt and pulley. Exploiting differential flatness with end-effector position and mean muscle pressures as flat outputs, a cascaded trajectory control is designed. Simulation results demonstrate an excellent control performance and point out the potential of this novel robot.