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Flatness based Optimal Noncausal Output-Transitions for Constrained SISO Nonlinear Systems

Authors:Wang Guoli, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Allgower Frank, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Constrained Nonlinear Systems
Keywords: Flatness, output transition, constrained, nonlinear systems, trajectory planning


The issue of optimal output transition is studied for nonlinear SISO systems with constraints. Trajectory planning is mainly concerned to facilitate exact feedforward linearization in the two-degree of freedom design framework. Our approach makes use of the differential parametrization offered by the flatness property. Our contribution to this idea is the generation of a noncausal trajectory for the flat output. This approach is shown to be highly effective in creating performance improvement. It is notable that our methodology guarantees the planned trajectories feasible for all nonlocal transitions. This allows the application of stable inversion in planning the optimal output transitions. The proposed method is illustrated on a benchmark system.