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Real-time Estimation of Mean Arterial Blood Pressure

Authors:Zanderigo Eleonora, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Leibundgut Daniel, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland
Kraus Franta, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Wymann Rolf, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland
Morari Manfred, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Topic:8.2 Modelling & Control of Biomedical Systems
Session:Parameter Estimation and Kinetic Modelling I
Keywords: modelling, biomedical systems, identification, signal correlation, medical applications


A real-time non-invasive method for mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) estimation is presented. MAP is estimated by effectively combining two components: one describing the low frequency behaviour and one the fast variations of MAP. The method, developed on 20 volunteers under anaesthesia allows for statistically significant improvement with respect to the standard cuff system. This approach represents a major improvement to surgical routine by providing more information about the patient's haemodynamic state without requiring additional sensors. Further, it allows for the use of automatic MAP control also in those routine operations where only the standard non-invasive MAP monitoring is applied.