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Modeling and Active Control of Thermoacoustic Instabilities

Authors:Niederberger Andre, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland
Schuermans Bruno B.H., ALSTOM Switzerland Ltd., Switzerland
Guzzella Lino, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland
Topic:6.3 Power Plants and Power Systems
Session:Power Plants and Power Systems Modelling and Control
Keywords: Gas Turbines, Control Oriented Models, Active Control, Robust Control,Power Systems


Due to stringent emission regulations, modern gas turbines work in leanpremixed mode and thermoacoustic instabilities are often observed. They causemechanical damage and therefore have to be reduced. This paper describes thedevelopment of an acoustic network model for a lab-scale lean premixed methanecombustor at ETH Zurich. The model is verified against experimental data and isthen used to develop an H1-controller, with special concern given to fundamentallimits imposed by the system. The proposed controller is then verified in simulations.