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Modelling for control: Understanding role and function of regulatory networks in microorganisms

Authors:Gernaey Krist V., Lund University, Sweden
Lind Morten, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Jørgensen Sten B., Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Topic:8.4 Control of Biotechnological Processes
Session:Systems Biology
Keywords: Control, functional modelling, means-end analysis, systems biology, systems engineering


Microorganisms maintain a constant monitoring of extra-cellular physicochemical conditions in order to respond and modify their gene expression patterns accordingly. Modelling plays an essential role in developing an understanding of the regulatory networks in microorganisms. Means-end analysis, also called functional modelling, is proposed as a methodology to model regulatory networks. A modelling example for the E. coli lac operon illustrates that the methodology allows breaking down complex regulatory networks into elementary building blocks. The proposed modelling formalism enables a straightforward communication between systems engineers and biologists on the mechanisms underlying complex regulatory functions.