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A Fuzzy-based Manoeuvre Management System For An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Authors:Karimanzira Divas, TU-Ilmenau, Germany
Otto Peter, TU-Ilemanu, Germany
Wernstedt Juergen, TU-Ilmenau, Germany
Topic:1.2 Adaptive and Learning Systems
Session:Applications of Adaptive and Learning Control
Keywords: Machine learning, Adaptive control, Navigation, Fuzzy Logic, Rule generation


The problem domain in this work is a three-dimensional simulation of an underwater vehicle (AUV) that must navigate through obstacles towards a stationary goal point. The AUV has a limited set of sensors, including sonar, and can set its speed and direction each decision cycle. We wish to learn a strategy that is expressed as a set of reactive rules, (i.e. stimulus-response rules) that map sensor readings to actions to be performed at each decision time step. Note that the system does not learn a specific path, but a set of rules that reactively decide a move at each time step allowing the vehicle to reach its goal and avoid the obstacles.