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The Way of District Heating Output Control by means of Hydrothermal Power Systems

Authors:Balátě Jaroslav, Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic
Jeník Petr, United Energy, Czech Republic
Chramcov Bronislav, Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic
Topic:6.3 Power Plants and Power Systems
Session:Power Plants and Power Systems Modelling and Control
Keywords: district heating, control algorithms, control applications, transport delay, prediction


The paper deals with brief description of three modifications of the way of control of hot-water piping heat output at simultaneous operation of qualitative and also quantitative parts of control. The separate modifications are as follows:1. Qualitative – quantitative way of control of hot-water piping heat output using prediction of the course of daily heat supply diagram in district heating systems.2. Adaptation of qualitative – quantitative way of heat supply control for the case of using part of the piping for heat accumulation.3. Algorithm of qualitative – quantitative way of control of hot-water piping output with using hot-water boilers as heat sources.Modifications of the way of control are different due to possibility of implementation into specific conditions in separate localities of district heating systems.