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Steam Generator Water Level Control: A Hybrid System Approach

Authors:Dumur Didier, SUPELEC, France
Thomas Jean, SUPELEC, France
Buisson Jean, SUPELEC, France
Bendotti Pascale, EDF/DER, France
Falinower Clément-Marc, EDF/DER, France
Topic:1.3 Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
Session:Hybrid Dynamic Systems
Keywords: Hybrid systems, state estimation, sensor failures, fault detection, predictive control, steam generators


The Mixed Logical Dynamical (MLD) formalism is an efficient modeling framework for hybrid systems which allows formulating and solving problems such as moving horizon predictive control and state estimation. This paper presents the application of the combined strategies – state estimation for fault detection and predictive control for water level control – to a steam generator benchmark modeled under a unique MLD form. Indeed, the steam generator is a time varying system for which the sensor failure problem has to be solved. The simulation results show that this unified theoretical scheme allows efficient detection of failures while maintaining the water level within specified limits.