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Sequence based Hierarchical Conflict-free Routing Strategy of Bi-directional Automated Guided Vehicles

Authors:Maza Samia, University of Nantes/Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes, France
Castagna Pierre, University of Nantes/Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes, France
Topic:7.4 Transportation Systems
Session:Transportation Systems II
Keywords: Automated guided vehicles, Deadlock, Robust control, traffic control, Sequences.


Conflict-free routing is an important problem to be addressed in AGV Systems, in particular when they are bi-directional. This paper considers the problem of routing AGVs in the presence of contingencies. The importance of this work stems from the realization that path-planning approaches are ill suited to AGVSs subject to contingencies. In this paper, a two stage closed-loop control strategy is proposed. In the first control stage, a pre-planning method proposed by Kim and Tanchoco (1991) is used to establish the fastest conflict-free routes for AGVs. The objective of the second stage is the avoidance of deadlocks in the presence of interruptions while maintaining the planned routes.