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Process Models for a New Control Education Laboratory

Authors:Klan Petr, Institute of Computer Science, Czech Republic
Hofreiter Milan, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Republic
Machacek Jiri, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Modrlak Osvald, Technical University of Liberec, Fac. of Mechatronics, Czech Republic
Smutny Lubomir, Technical University of Ostrava, Fac. of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Republic
Vasek Vladimir, University of T. Bata, Fac. of Technology, Czech Republic
Topic:9.4 Control Education
Session:We Have Many Things To Tell You About Control Education
Keywords: Process models; Laboratory equipment; Process control experiments;Control education


Process models for a new self--contained laboratory for trainingand education of control have been designed. Models are consideredto be connected to the MATLAB through universal data acquisitioninstrument called CTRL. The latter was developed together with themodels to enable realization of control experiments in acomfortable computer processing and visualization environment. Thepaper focuses on a short conceptual description of each model,together with the expected educational benefits. Furthermore, atthe final part of the paper, the CTRL instrument is shortlypresented.