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Systematic structure and parameter identification for biological reaction systems supported by a software-tool

Authors:Leifheit Jana, Techical Universtity Berlin, Germany
King Rudibert, Techical Universtity Berlin, Germany
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Image Processing and Biomedical Applications
Keywords: modeling, qualitative analysis, rule based reasoning, system identification, S.cerevisiae


The most time consuming and difficult step in applying model-based concepts for synthesis, control and supervision of bioprocesses is the iterative, manual, and therefore time-consuming model building process.In this contribution a software tool TAM-B is introduced which provides methods for automating the main steps of this iterative procedure. Several qualitative tests are developed to efficiently generate only such models that are suitable for the kinetic problem considered. It will be shown that using the modelling tool not only supports the human modeller in many cases, it can also accelerate the model building process. The main emphasis of the paper will be on new rule-based methods for structure selection.