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Application of Iterative Nonlinear Model Predictive Control to a Batch Pilot Reactor

Authors:Bordons Carlos, University of Seville, Spain
Cueli Jose R., University of Seville, Spain
Topic:6.1 Chemical Process Control
Session:Nonlinear Process Control
Keywords: Batch control, optimal control, predictive control, learningalgorithms.


The aim of this article is to present the Iterative ModelPredictive Controller, INMPC, as a good candidate to controlexothermal batch reactors. The proposed control approach is basedon a model-based predictive control formulation which takesadvantage of the repetitive nature of batch processes. Theproposed controller combines the good qualities of ModelPredictive Control (MPC) with the possibility of learningfrom past batches, that is the base of Iterative Control. It usesa nonlinear model and a quadratic objective function that isoptimized in order to obtain the control law. The controller istested on a batch pilot reactor, and a comparison with anIterative Learning Controller (ILC) is made. Under inputconstraints and for this nonlinear plant, a fast convergence rateis obtained with the proposed controller, showing good operationalresults.