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Robust Fault Isolation using Non-linear Interval Observers: The Damadics Benchmark Case Study

Authors:Puig Vicenç, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
Stancu Alexandru, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
Quevedo Joseba, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
Topic:6.4 Safeprocess
Session:Applications of Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control
Keywords: Fault Detection, Fault Diagnosis, Robustness, Envelope Generation, Adaptive Threshold, Optimisation, Sliding Window Principle.


This paper presents a passive robust fault detection and isolation approach using interval observers. In industrial complex systems there is usually some uncertainty on model parameters that can be bounded using intervals. A model with parameters bounded in interval is known as an “interval model”. Intervals observers propagate parameter uncertainty to the residual generating an adaptive threshold that allow to robust detect system faults. In order to isolate faults, a bank of those observers with a specified fault signature is required. Finally, this approach will be applied to detect and isolate some of the faults proposed in an industrial actuator used as an FDI benchmark in the European project DAMADICS.