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Multiscale Modeling of HVOF Thermal Spray Process

Authors:Christofides Panagiotis, University of California, United States
Li Mingheng, University of California, United States
Topic:6.1 Chemical Process Control
Session:Simulation and Control of Advanced Materials Manufacturing Processes
Keywords: multiscale modeling, thermal spray, coating processing, microstructure


The major physicochemical processes involved in an industrial HVOFthermal spray process (Diamond Jet hybrid gun, Sulzer Metco,Westbury, NY) are studied by a comprehensive multiscale model. Themodel includes continuum type differential equations that describethe dynamics of gas phase and particles of different sizes, and arule-based stochastic simulator that predicts the evolution ofcoating microstructure. Control relevant analysis based on thedeveloped multiscale model is carried out to study the relationshipbetween the macroscopic operating conditions and the particleinflight behavior as well as the resulting coating microstructure.This work shows that the coating microstructure is directlyinfluenced by particle melting degree and velocity, which can beadjusted through fuel/oxygen ratio and total gas flow rate.