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Static and Dynamic Attitude Decomposition for Estimation with Magnetometer Sensor

Authors:Changey Sebastien, SUPELEC, France
Beauvois Dominique, SUPELEC, France
Fleck Volker, ISL - French-German research institute of Saint-Louis, France
Topic:7.5 Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
Session:Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
Keywords: Kalman filters, Attitude, Magnetic fields, Models, Estimation algorithms, Nonlinear filters


A priori information given by the complete modelling of the ballistic behavior of a projectile is simplified to give a pertinent reduced evolution model. This model is composed of quasi-static and dynamic models. An extended Kalman filter is designed to estimate dynamic part of the 3 attitude angles (roll in [0; 2 pi], angle of attack and side-slip in the range of few milliradians) from measures of the magnetic field of the earth given by a three-axis magnetometer sensor embedded on the projectile.The algorithm has been tested in simulation, using realistic evolution of attitude data with measurement noise.