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Software Project Management for Developing Countries

Authors:Peterson Christopher, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Chaczko Zenon, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Scott Craig, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Davis David, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Topic:9.3 Developing Countries
Session:Combined Knowledge and Technology Transfer I
Keywords: Software, Project Management, postgraduate software management, software audits, developing countries IT management, education, training


Software is created, configured, modified and managed by every enterprise that wishes to increase efficiency and effectiveness. This process is often undertaken by persons who have little or no formal training in the field, particularly in developing countries. The results are frequently disadvantageous and often fatal to the enterprise. The University of Technology, Sydney in Australia has designed a special one year postgraduate program targeted at persons in developing countries who have or wish to have such software responsibility. The response to this program has proven to be significant as it provides a fast and effective approach to increasing the software project management capability of persons in developing nations.