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Rapid Prototyping of Sequential Controllers with Petri-Nets

Authors:Orth Philipp, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Bollig Alexander, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Abel Dirk, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Topic:1.3 Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
Session:Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
Keywords: discrete-event systems, Petri-nets, hybrid, modelling, simulation, prototyping, programmable logic controller, sequential control


This paper focuses on the possibilities of a Petri-net based rapidcontrol prototyping (RCP) tool chain. P/T nets extended byinterfaces and connected to an extended state model allow thedescription of typical programmable logic controller tasks. Aftera general introduction to RCP, the method is applied to the areaof sequential control, and code generation for the chosen model isdepicted. The paper closes with an example for a tool chain,demonstrated by system simulation and Software-in-the-Loopfor a subsystem of a flexible manufacturing system in anindustrial fieldbus environment.