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Minimizing Interconnection of Subsystems in Large-Scale Interconnected Systems using Generalized Sampling

Authors:Becerril-Arreola Rafael, Concordia University, Canada
Aghdam Amir G., Concordia University, Canada
Davison Edward J., University of Toronto, Canada
Topic:5.4 Large Scale Complex Systems
Session:Large Scale Complex Systems
Keywords: Decentralized control, Large-scale system, Discretization, Operations research, Linear systems, Generalized sampled-data hold functions


This paper studies the application of generalized sampled-data hold functions in minimizing the strength of the interconnections between the subsystems of large-scale interconnected systems. To this end, it proposes a quadratic programming approach to the minimization of the magnitude of specific elements of the transfer function matrix of a discrete-time equivalent system. The proposed approach is complemented by introducing a method to evaluate its effectiveness. A quantitative measure for the degree of hierarchicalness of the discrete-time equivalent model is also given.