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Oscillation Problem in Pitch Angle Control of Winged Body

Authors:Skrjanc Igor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of electrical engineering, Slovenia
Lepetić Marko, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of electrical engineering, Slovenia
Blažič Sašo, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of electrical engineering, Slovenia
Morita Yasuhiro, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan
Topic:7.3 Aerospace
Session:Aerospace Control
Keywords: modelling, compensation, predictive control, decomposition methods, oscillation


The requirements in pitch angle control of winged body are a veryfast response with as less oscillation as possible. Theoscillation can damage the equipments which are carried within thebody. The main problem to cope with is in relatively fast andoscillatory dynamics of the rocket and slow actuators and sensors.We solve the problem by using predictive approach. The main ideaof this approach is in process output prediction based ondecomposed process model. The decomposition enables the extensionof model-based approach to the processes with integrativebehavior such as the rocket pitch angle control. The proposedapproach gives a framework to design a control for a wide range ofprocesses.