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Reducing the Effect of Unmodelled Dynamics by MRAC Control Law Modification

Authors:Miklovicova Eva, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Murgaš Ján, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Gonos Michal, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Topic:1.2 Adaptive and Learning Systems
Session:Adaptive and Learning Approaches to Controller Design
Keywords: model reference adaptive control, Lyapunov methods, tracking systems


Solving a tracking problem does not always give desired results even when adaptive control methods are used. Some difficulties may occur when the apriori assumptions laid down for the problem solution are not satisfied. One of the serious issues is the existence of unmodelled dynamics in the tracking problem. The proposed solutions are mainly based on robustification of the adaptation law. In this paper we propose to reduce the effect of unmodelled dynamics using the MRAC control law modification so that the standard adaptation law ensures the sufficiently small tracking error.