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Stochastic equivalence of CPDP-automata and Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes

Authors:Strubbe Stefan, Twente University, Netherlands
van der Schaft Arjan, Twente University, Netherlands
Topic:1.3 Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
Session:Analysis and Control of Discrete Event Systems
Keywords: (Communicating) Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes, hybridsystems, compositional specification.


CPDP is a class of automata designed for compositionalspecification/analysis of certain stochastic hybrid processes. Weprove equivalence of the stochastic behaviors of CPDPs (newlydefined here) and PDPs. With this result we obtain a clearstochastic processes semantics for CPDPs and we obtain theopportunity to use the powerful PDP analysis techniques in thecontext of the compositional framework CPDP.