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Active Controls and Non-invasive Monitoring for High Speed Trains

Authors:Landi Alberto, University of Pisa, Italy
Balestrino Aldo, University of Pisa, Italy
Bruno Ottorino, University of Pisa, Italy
Sani Luca, University of Pisa, Italy
Topic:7.4 Transportation Systems
Session:Air and Rail Control Systems
Keywords: Railways, Maintenance, Monitoring, Active pantographs, Wavelets, Infrared detectors.


International interest is growing for improving performance of the rail transport system. A crucial problem for railway companies is to prevent damages to the overhead line equipment and to pantographs. A brief overview of our research activities is addressed, in the fields of active pantographs and advanced methods for measuring the quality of the current collection for high-speed trains. The pantograph-overhead contact wire interaction is investigated by using a phototube sensor, wavelet transform applied to the line current and infrared camera. The results obtained are relevant for monitoring the quality of the current collection and for a predictive maintenance of the pantograph and of the contact line.