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Continuous-time systems identification based on iterative learning control

Authors:Sakai Fumitoshi, Nara National College of Technology, Japan
Sugie Toshiharu, Kyoto University, Japan
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Identification of Continuous Time Systems
Keywords: Continuous-time, System identification, Iterative learning control


The paper proposes a novel approach to identification of continuous-time systems from sampled I/O data.The coefficients of plant transfer functions are directly identified by applying an iterative learning control which enables us to achieveperfect tracking for uncertain plants by iteration of trials.Furthermore, one way to make the method robust against the measurementnoises is shown. One of the merits of the proposed method is that it does not require time-derivative of I/O signals. In addition, it indicates us the estimation accuracy explicitly through tracking control experiments.Numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of theproposed method.