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Glucose Regulation in Type 1 Diabetic Patients by a Multi-Doses Regimen

Authors:Campos-Delgado Daniel, UASLP, Mexico
Hernandez-Ordoñez Martin, UASLP, Mexico
Femat Ricardo, IPICYT, Mexico
Topic:8.2 Modelling & Control of Biomedical Systems
Session:Control Application to Life Medicine II
Keywords: Diabetes, Biomedicine, Glucose Regulation.


In this paper several multi-doses control regimens are suggested fortype 1 diabetic patients. The suggested regimes are proposed basedon different insulin formulations. The insulin doses are assumed tobe infused by a subcutaneous injection in a three daily regimenprior to each meal. Mixing two types of insulin: rapid or short, andintermediate or long action, the basal and postprandial insulinproductions of the pancreas are reproduced. The performance in theglucose regulation is evaluated during a 10-day trial by open-loopand closed-loop simulation with a compartmental model.