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Distributed Load Balancing in the presence of Node Failure and Network Delays

Authors:Ghanem Jean, University of New Mexico, United States
Abdallah Chaouki, University of New Mexico, United States
Hayat Majeed, University of New Mexico, United States
Chiasson John, University of Tenesee, United States
Birdwell J. Douglas, University of Tennessee, United States
Topic:5.4 Large Scale Complex Systems
Session:Large Scale Complex Systems
Keywords: Load Balancing, Distributed System, Planet-Lab, Network Control, NetworksParallel Computing.


In this paper, we present a new dynamic, and adaptive distributedload balancing algorithm. This algorithm is able to handle theloss of some computational nodes, the connectivity of the network,and the variations in tasks and transfer delays. An experimentalverification of the algorithm is presented using PlanetLab.