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Integrated Automation System of Minerals Processing and its Applications

Authors:Chai Tianyou, Northeastern University, China
Ding Jinliang, Northeastern University, China
Zhao Dayong, Northeastern University, China
Yan Aijun, Northeastern University, China
Topic:6.2 Mining, Mineral & Metal Processing
Session:Technology in Mining and Metal Processing Industry
Keywords: process automation, management system, optimal systems, system integration, indices, control engineering, control applications


The integrated automation system consisting of production process management system, optimal system of production indices and process control system is established for the optimization of production indices of minerals processing. The structure and functions of this system are discussed. The optimal control strategy for production indices is proposed to transform the target of production indices into the optimal setpoints of process control system automatically. It has been successfully applied to the largest hematite minerals processing factory of China with significantly proven benefits. Industrial applications show the good performance of the suggested system and its bright future in the industry.