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Predictive computed-torque control of a PUMA 560 manipulator robot

Authors:Becerra Victor, The University of Reading, United Kingdom
Cook Steven, The University of Reading, United Kingdom
Deng Jiamei, The University of Reading, United Kingdom
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Robot Control II
Keywords: Predictive control, robotic manipulators, computed-torque control


This paper describes the integration of constrained predictivecontrol and computed-torque control, and its application on a sixdegree-of-freedom PUMA 560 manipulator arm. The real-timeimplementation was based on SIMULINK, with the predictivecontroller and the computed-torque control law implemented in theC programming language. The constrained predictive controllersolved a quadratic programming problem at every sampling interval,which was as short as 10 ms, using a prediction horizon of 150steps and an 18th order state space model.