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A Novel Approach of Thermal Process Control for Uniform Temperature

Authors:Matsunaga Nobutomo, KUMAMOTO University, Japan
Kawaji Shigeyasu, KUMAMOTO University, Japan
Tanaka Masahito, OMRON corporation, Japan
Nanno Ikuo, OMRON corporation, Japan
Topic:6.1 Chemical Process Control
Session:Process Control Applications
Keywords: Temperature control, Thermal interaction, Uniformity, Gradient temperature


Uniform temperature control of heating plate with a wide thermal conduction area is required in many industrial application fields. In this paper, a novel approach for uniform heating based on the physical property of thermal conduction is proposed. The main idea of the proposed scheme is to control the average and gradient temperatures between arbitrary points whereas in conventional way direct PID control is applied for each heating points. The control system provides the good uniformity not only in steady state but also in transient state. In order to confirm the effectiveness of the scheme, some experimental results are shown and evaluated.