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Objectives of Integrated Digital Production Engineering in the Automotive Industry

Authors:Schmidgall Guenter, Daimler Chrysler AG, Germany
Kiefer Jens, Daimler Chrysler AG, Germany
Bär Thomas, Daimler Chrysler AG, Germany
Topic:5.1 Manufacturing Plant Control
Session:Research and Developments Challenges and Open Issues in Manufacturing Automation
Keywords: Automobile industry, control engineering, industrial production systems,integration, data models, planning, programmable logic controllers, validation


To appropriately meet the constantly rising market demands, the innovationtopic “digital factory” has taken on key significance in the automotive industry. By meansof a new integration concept – integrated production engineering – the three fieldsmechanics, electrics, and logic are more closely intermeshed using a so-called virtualresource model. In this context, two major challenges have to be mastered: theorganizational and the functional integration. The prototypical realization of thisintegration concept is carried out on the basis of a practical scenario from the commercialvehicle development.