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Surface description for cornea topography using modified Chebyshev-polynomials

Authors:Soumelidis Alexandros, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungary
Fazekas Zoltan, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungary
Schipp Ferenc, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
Nemeth Janos, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Topic:8.2 Modelling & Control of Biomedical Systems
Session:Biomedical Engineering / Biomedical Signal Processing I
Keywords: Biomedical systems, function approximation, radial base function,shape description, medical applications


The optical behaviour of the (human) cornea is often characterized with theZernike-coefficients derived via the Zernike-transform of its optical power map. Inthis paper, a radial transform based on the Chebyshev-polynomials of the second kindis suggested for a surface-based, rather than an optical power map basedrepresentation of the cornea. This transform is well-suited for providing compactrepresentations for quasi-hemispherical surfaces, and after appropriateargument-transform applied to these polynomials also for spherical-calotte-likesurfaces. Examples illustrating the effect of the argument-transformation are alsoincluded in the paper.