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Frequency-Domain Identification of Continuous-Time ARMA Models from Sampled Data

Authors:Gillberg Jonas, Linköping University, Sweden
Ljung Lennart, Linköping University, Sweden
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Continuous Time System Identification
Keywords: Continuous-time systems; Parameter estimation; Continuous-timeARMA;noise model; Whittle likelihood estimator


This paper treats direct identification of continuous-timeautoregressive moving average (CARMA) noise models. The approachhas its point of origin in the frequency domain Whittle likelihoodestimator. The discrete- or continuous-time spectral densities areestimated from equidistant samples of the output. For low samplingrates the discrete-time spectral density is modelled directly byits continuous-time spectral density using the Poisson summationformula. In the case of rapid sampling the continuous-timespectral density is estimated directly by modifying itsdiscrete-time counterpart.