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A hybrid model for optimal control of single nodes in supply chains

Authors:Giglio Davide, University of Genova, Italy
Minciardi Riccardo, University of Genova, Italy
Sacone Simona, University of Genova, Italy
Siri Silvia, University of Genova, Italy
Topic:5.2 Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control
Session:Supply Chains and Networks
Keywords: Production systems, Hybrid model, Optimal control, Dynamic programming


Supply chains integrate production centers with raw materials and part suppliers and with logistics service providers, in an integrated environment in which co-ordination aspects as well as competitive issues may take place. In this paper, a hybrid model for the representation of a generic production center of a supply chain is presented and discussed. The model is characterized by inventory levels (continuously defined) and by arrival and departure processes of raw materials and final products (these two processes are modelled as finite and discrete in time sequences of arrivals/departures). The capacity of the considered resource is an upper bounded continuous variable. In the paper, the optimization of the dynamic behaviour of the production center is dealt with.