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Common Enterprise Modelling Framework for Distributed Organisations

Authors:Jaekel Frank-Walter, Fraunhofer IPK-Berlin, Germany
Berio Giuseppe, Università di Torino, Italy
Mertins Kai, Fraunhofer IPK-Berlin, Germany
Topic:5.3 Enterprise Integration and Networking
Session:Interoperability Research for Networked Enterprises Applications and Software
Keywords: Business process engineering, Distributed models, Distributed simulation, Information systems, Model management, Process models, Synchronization


The mission of Common Enterprise Modelling Framework for Distributed Organisations (CEMF-DO) is to provide, within distributed organisations, a common framework in which modelling, simulation, analysis and management of models for designing interoperability solutions are explored and integrated. The paper presents activities related to the work on a unify enterprise modelling language (UEML) and on the management and synchronisation of enterprise models (SDDEM) performed as one work package within the Network of Excellence INTEROP (508011).