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A Differential Hysteresis Model

Authors:Carnevale Daniele, Univ. of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy
Nicosia Salvatore, Univ. of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy
Zaccarian Luca, Univ. of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy
Topic:8.2 Modelling & Control of Biomedical Systems
Session:Biomedical Engineering / Biomedical Signal Processing I
Keywords: Hysteresis, transition curve, inverse hysteresis


In this paper a new model of hysteresis is described. This new model allows to describe a wider class of rate independent hystereses than the previous Classic and nonlinear Preisach models. The broader area of applicability arises from the relaxation of the minor loops equal chord requirement by introducing a less stringent property SVEC(same-vertexes-equal-chords). The new model allows one to fit $n$-order transition curves, whereas the former models allow only for fitting of first and second-order transition curves. Due to this fact this new model improves upon existing results. The model structure has been developed to be easily implemented in inverse hysteresis control schemes, widely used for hysteretic systems regulation.