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State Estimation in Chromatographic SMB Processes with Linear Adsorption Isotherms

Authors:Küpper Achim, University Dortmund, Germany
Engell Sebastian, University Dortmund, Germany
Topic:8.4 Control of Biotechnological Processes
Session:Control of Biotechnological Processes
Keywords: Preparative Chromatography; Simulated Moving Bed Process; State Estimation; Kalman Filter


Chromatographic separations are widespread in the fine chemicals and pharmaceutical industries for the downstream processing of complex mixtures with similar thermodynamic properties. SMB processes are characterized by a counter-current movement of the liquid and the solid phase which is achieved by switching the inlet and the outlet ports of a closed loop of chromatographic columns periodically. Recent research has focused on the model-based optimization and control of SMB processes. In a model-based approach, plant/model mismatch has to be taken into account. In this paper, the issue of state estimation in SMB processes under plant/model mismatch is addressed. A Kalman filter is designed and successfully applied. The estimation is based on only one measurement device located in the recycle stream of the process.