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Steer-by-wire Suspension and Steering Design for Controllability and Observability

Authors:Laws Shad, Stanford University, United States
Gadda Christopher, Stanford University, United States
Kohn Scott, Stanford University, United States
Yih Paul, Stanford University, United States
Gerdes J. Christian, Stanford University, United States
Milroy J. Craig, Stanford University, United States
Topic:4.2 Mechatronic Systems
Session:Automotive Mechatronics
Keywords: Steer-by-wire, Mechatronics, Observability, Controllability, Vehicle Dynamics


With steer-by-wire, suspension and steering systems are no longergoverned by purely mechanical criteria but must instead bedesigned according to mechatronic considerations. This paperdemonstrates an approach to steer-by-wire suspension design inwhich geometric design variables are chosen to render the tirereaction torque about the steer axis highly predictable. Thispredictability, in turn, clarifies the connection between thevehicle dynamics and steering dynamics, enabling full stateobserver and controller design.